% 1 - ορισμός. Τι είναι το pica
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Τι (ποιος) είναι pica - ορισμός

Piča; Pyča

Picas; PICA; Pica (disambiguation); PICA (disambiguation)
·noun The genus that includes the magpies.
II. Pica ·noun A service-book. ·see Pie.
III. Pica ·noun A size of type next larger than small pica, and smaller than English.
IV. Pica ·noun A vitiated appetite that craves what is unfit for food, as chalk, ashes, coal, ·etc.; chthonophagia.
Picas; PICA; Pica (disambiguation); PICA (disambiguation)
pica1 ['p??k?]
¦ noun Printing
1. a unit of type size and line length equal to 12 points (about 1/6 inch or 4.2 mm).
2. a size of letter in typewriting, with 10 characters to the inch (about 3.9 to the centimetre).
C16: from Anglo-Latin pica (lit. 'magpie'), commonly identified with a 15th-cent. book of rules about Church feasts.
pica2 ['p??k?]
¦ noun Medicine a tendency or craving to eat substances other than normal food, occurring during childhood or pregnancy or as a symptom of disease.
C16: mod. L., from L., lit. 'magpie', prob. translating Gk kissa 'magpie', also 'false appetite'.
Posterior inferior cerebellar artery         
Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery; Posterior inferior cerebellar; Posterior inferior cerebellar arteries; Posterior inferior cerebellar branch; Arteria cerebelli inferior posterior
The posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) is the largest branch of the vertebral artery. It is one of the three main arteries that supply blood to the cerebellum, a part of the brain.



Píča (Czech pronunciation: [piːt͡ʃa]), sometimes short piča or pyča [pit͡ʃa]/[pɪt͡ʃa], is a Czech and Slovak profanity that refers to the vagina similar to the English word cunt. It is often represented as a symbol of a spearhead, a rhombus standing on one of its sharper points with a vertical line in the middle, representing a vulva.

The meaning is clear for most Czechs, Slovaks and Hungarians. In some other languages it has other spellings (e.g. in the non-Slavic Hungarian language it is written as "picsa"), but has similar pronunciation and carries the same meaning and profanity. Drawing this symbol is considered a taboo, or at least unaccepted by mainstream society.

The word píča is of a feminine gender, in order to insult also men Czechs derived its masculine form píčus.

Παραδείγματα προφοράς για pica
1. a behavior known as pica.
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2. In the Himalayas, pica are ecosystem engineers,
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3. Pica, if he hadn't done that and those bone collections
Captured _ Moose Peterson _ Talks at Google
4. And so now, over 200 young women have been issued these scholarship. And Yaku Pica here,
Disneynature Chimpanzee Photographer _ Bill Wallauer _ Talks at Google
Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για pica
1. The Government of General Pica, elected for life in 1'71, consists of Prime Minister Angelico Pica; Minister of the Interior Rudolfo Pica; Foreign Secretary Martin Pica; Minister for Oil Phosphates and Foreign Trade, Arnoldo Pica; and Minister of Education, Public Enlightenment, Woman‘s Affairs, Minorities and Culture, Esmeralda Pica.
2. Martin and Arnoldo Pica are the President‘s two eldest sons.
3. "Has anything started yet?" an avatar named Pica Paperdoll asked, 20 minutes after the hearing started.
4. "This bill gets us part of the way there," Pica said.
5. Maria–Jesu Pica is a family man, a quality reflected in his choice of Ministers.